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Impressive sample solutions

Impressive Sample Solutions

Perfect solution for sample presentations

Maxxisample is based on the long experience of a strong team which has a good expertise of processing sunprotection fabrics. This in combination with Venttri (formerly Maxximap), more than 25 years producer of samplebooks, binders and other promotion materials.

To improve the synergy in the process of developing and producing a complete product we have chosen to move all the operations to a common dominator. In this configuration, we are confident that we are stronger and better, which can be expected in the quality of our products.

Complete service and high quality are our main goals. This makes that our customers can get further in their own business.


Maxxipresentations Group

Venttri and Maxxisample are “Members of the Maxxipresentations Group”, a unique combination. Together we offer you the complete process, from sample books to sample productions. From concept to finished product. And all of this through a single point of contact: one-stop-shopping.